Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (English) 5.5/10
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi/Action
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Cast: Andy Serkis, James Franco
Year: 2011

The movie might be a commercial and critical success but i didn't like it very much. Somehow i felt the entire story was going towards a different direction which doesn't seem to co-exist with the Planet of the Apes tag. A visually driven story although i liked the human version of apes with some brilliant make-up and movements in the earlier version rather than the CGI apes. The story is about an ape called Ceaser who has enhanced level of intelligence which he inherited from his mother after his mother became subject to a human experiment, and how he raises an army of apes and goes at war with humans. The visual affects were cool and the sound seemed pretty good as well. Rupert Wyatt's direction was very stylized but its Andy Serkis's brilliant performance as Ceaser that stole the show. James Franco was undoubtedly  not used to the potential he has and Freida Pinto seemed to focus more on her US accent rather than her acting. An average movie from my angle and that's totally my view.
