Cidade de Deus AKA City of God

Cidade de Deus AKA City of God (Brazil) 9.5/10
Genre: Crime/Drama/Action
Director: Fernando Meirelles
Cast: Alexandre Rodrigues,Leandro Firmino,Phellipe Haagensen
Year: 2002

One of the best movies i've ever seen, it was on my list for a long long time and after watching the movie i felt it could not have been any better. One of the best examples of direction, editing and cinematography/photography ever put on display and a completely different way of story telling makes it even better. I remember that i started watching this movie few years back but could not finish it, but now i did. The story is based on the violent and drug dealing streets of Brazil and tells the story of a young boy becoming a news photographer while others become violent gangsters. Based on true event director Fernando Meirelles was exceptional in portraying the characters on screen, even the most minute character in this movie leaves you with the greatest impact. Editing was brilliant as the story moves between past and present but the best part of the movie was the stunning photography by César Charlone, i love the cinematography style in Brazilian movies and i think they are one of the very best in the business. A brilliant movie and must be watched by anyone who prefers to watch artistic movies.
